“ChineseKuang” is a service offered by Felix Kuang, Burgunder Str. 5, 14197 Berlin, Germany. Through this privacy statement, we wish to inform you of how your personal data are processed and in what form some of these data are made accessible for other users. All personal data are treated with the utmost care at ChineseKuang. All the necessary steps are taken to guarantee the security of these data. This privacy statement supplements the General Terms and Conditions of Business of ChineseKuang. Please write to privacy@chinesekuang.com if you have any queries relating to this document.
1. Which data are stored?
1.1. Cookies
After you have logged in (with user name and password), ChineseKuang uses cookies with which you can be identified for the duration of your visit. Cookies are also used generally on the website, e.g. to show ads or to measure the success rates of advertising. Cookies are small files stored on your computer or mobile device which identify the device to our server and also provide additional data. Other technologies such as pixel tags, web bugs, web storage and similar files fulfill the same purpose. A cookie is saved on your computer.
One type of cookie automatically expires after your session has ended. This is called a session cookie. Your user settings, in particular, are saved as session cookies so that ChineseKuang can always be used in the form you require. Another permanently stored anonymous cookie contains the version number of your Flash player. When you log in, you also have the option of saving your user name and password locally in encrypted form on your computer. You can save this cookie permanently for automatic log in with the function “Log me in automatically on this computer”. In addition to this, user settings, such as language selection, language recognition settings, user IDs for various applications, are saved in both session cookies and permanent cookies by ChineseKuang in order to facilitate the use of ChineseKuang.
You switch off the use of cookies for our website or in general in the settings of your Internet browser. You can find out how this functions from the website of your Internet browser supplier. For the Internet Explorer you can find the relevant instructions at http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies, for Firefox at https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences, for Apple Safari at http://support.apple.com/kb/index?page=search&fac=all&q=cookies%20safari and for Google Chrome at https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en. However, deactivating cookies will mean that a number of functionalities, e.g. automatically logging in to the website, will no longer operate as intended.
1.2. Log files
Each time a page is called up, access data are saved in a protocol file, the server log. The data record thus saved contains the following data:
- your IP address (by means of which your computer can be unambiguously identified)
- the remote host (name and IP address of the computer requesting the page)
- the time, the status, the quantity of data transferred and the Internet page from which you accessed the requested page (referrer)
- The product and version information of the browser used (user agent)
ChineseKuang uses a standardized webserver logfile format for this purpose. Provided these data are not urgently required for the technical maintenance of the system or for the system security, they are anonymized instantly and the original protocols are deleted. Anonymization takes place by removal or truncation of the IP address by allocating a code not assigned to a user. Any allocation to an identified or identifiable person is therefore no longer possible. ChineseKuang therefore uses the protocol data (logs) exclusively in anonymized form for statistical evaluations, hence without any allocation or references to your personal details. In this way, ChineseKuang determines, for instance, on which days and at which times ChineseKuang is particularly popular and what volume of data is generated on the ChineseKuang web servers. Furthermore, ChineseKuang can detect possible errors through the log files, e.g. faulty links or program errors, and thus use the log files for the ongoing development and refinement of ChineseKuang. ChineseKuang does not link the page requests and usage information to individual persons.
1.3. Matomo Analytics
This website uses Matomo Analytics. Matomo is an open source web analytics platform. A web analytics platform is used by a website owner in order to measure, collect, analyse and report visitors data for purposes of understanding and optimizing their website. Matomo is used to analyse the behaviour of the website visitors to identify potential pitfalls; not found pages, search engine indexing issues, which contents are the most appreciated. Once the data is processed (number of visitors reaching a not found pages, viewing only one page…), Matomo is generating reports for website owners to take action, for example changing the layout of the pages, publishing some fresh content etc. Matomo is processing the following personal data: cookies, anonymized IP address, pseudonymized user ID, custom dimensions, custom variables, anonymized order ID, location of the user. And also date and time, title of the page being viewed, URL of the page being viewed, URL of the page that was viewed prior to the current page, Screen resolution, time in local timezone, Files that were clicked and downloaded, link clicks to an outside domain, Pages generation time, country, main Language of the browser, user Agent of the browser. The processing of personal data with Matomo is based on legitimate interests.
Processing your personal data such as cookies is helping us identify what is working and what is not on our website. For example, it helps us identify if the way we are communicating is engaging or not and how we can organize the structure of the website better. Our team is benefiting from the processing of your personal data, and they are directly acting on the website. By processing your personal data, you can profit from a website which is getting better and better. Without the data, we would not be able to provide you the service we are currently offering to you. Your data will be used only to improve the user experience on our website and help you find the information you are looking for.
The personal data received through Matomo are sent to our service provider: webgo GmbH, Heidenkampsweg 81, 20097 Hamburg. Matomo data is hosted in Germany. We are keeping the personal data captured within Matomo for a period of 13 months.
As Matomo is processing personal data on legitimate interests, you can exercise the following rights:
Right of access: you can ask us at any time to access your personal data.
Right to erasure: you can ask us at any time to delete all the personal data we are processing about you.
Right to object: you can object to the tracking of your personal data by using the following opt-out feature:
1.4. Newsletter & emails
We send you emails for a variety of reasons. These may include confirmations of an order or of a registration. However, communication may also concern information about our services, provided you have not revoked your consent for such usage, which you can of course do at any time at https://www.chinesekuang.com/newsletter/. Any email messages we send are saved by us and any emails that may be regarded as business letters will not be deleted during the statutory retention period. We also record any email addresses to which a message could not be delivered in order to request an updated email address. Furthermore,In the case of our newsletter emails, we record (e.g. by means of a so-called “tracking pixel”) whether an email is opened and which links in the email are clicked on; we do so to optimize our offers and tailor their design to meet your needs. We use these data to enable us to send newsletter contents to match your profile. If you wish to object to this use of your data, you can do so by canceling our newsletters. We also use service providers from USA for sending our emails. We make sure that the statutory conditions for the cross-border use of personal details as defined by §§ 4b, 4c BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act) are fulfilled.
2. Purpose of storing the data
The purpose of gathering, saving, processing and using the data is solely to facilitate, maintain and develop the “ChineseKuang” service provided by Felix Kuang. This also comprises winning new customers and sales to existing ones. In particular, part of the ongoing development involves the use of anonymous statistics on the usage of the services. Movement profiles of individual users on the website are not created.
3. No forwarding of data to third parties
ChineseKuang does not forward the personal data of its users to third parties unless the user has given his/her explicit consent or there is a legal requirement to forward the data. Personal details may also be passed on to third parties if this is legally permissible, and it is necessary to pass them on for the fulfillment of our contractual obligations towards our customers. In the case of payment processing, the data for processing the payment transaction are forwarded to the payment services provider if you do not supply the data directly. If you send your payment data directly to the payment services provider, we receive only very limited data. In such cases, we are merely informed whether or not the transaction relating to a specific transaction number has actually taken place. In such cases we do not receive your account data. If any third-party rights have been violated (in particular rights relating to copyright, trademarks, names and symbols) by the user, the user data will not be forwarded to the rights holder unless the latter conclusively demonstrates his/her claims to ChineseKuang.
4. Minors
As a matter of principle, ChineseKuang is directed towards users who have reached the age of majority. Any use by minors without the consent of their legal guardians is prohibited. ChineseKuang therefore reserves the right to delete all data relating to underage users if no consent from the legal guardians is available.
5. Data security
ChineseKuang employs safety precautions to guarantee that your data are protected against loss, modification or misuse. To this end, ChineseKuang works with constantly updated firewalls meeting the industry standard as well as other security systems. At the same time, the user should be aware of the fact that one hundred per cent protection against attacks cannot be guaranteed because of the continual appearance of new viruses and other means of attacking the protected data systems of Internet services. ChineseKuang will instigate civil and criminal proceedings against any attack by hackers and the like and will inform the users of any cases in which their data have been compromised.
6. Contact
The trust of our users is important to us. ChineseKuang therefore wishes to provide its users with full information on the processing of their personal data at all times. If any queries remain unanswered by this privacy statement or if more detailed information is required on any point, please contact the following address at any time: